Silver Nanotechnology — the Future in Caries Therapy? A Report of Two Cases

DOI: 10.1515/jim-2017-0034


Introduction: Dental decays remain the most common and rampant biofilm-dependent oral disorders. Influencing the delicate dynamic between demineralization and remineralization is a big challenge in clinical practice, and nanotechnology is considered a viable solution. The therapeutic management of caries, which includes nanotechnology, has two big approaches, an antibacterial one and a remineralizing one. Silver is recognized to display a powerful toxic- ity to a large variety of micro-organisms, thus silver-based composites have been widely used in several bactericidal applications. Case report: We present our attempts and results in using silver nanoparticle solutions on a 14-year-old and a 34-year-old patient with dental decays and no previous dental pain. One of the cases was treated with chlorhexidine 2% and the other with Nanocare Plus, as antimicrobial agents. In both cases we recorded decreased values of the bacterial burden in comparison with the initial values. Conclusion: This two-case presenta- tion compared the antibacterial effect of two antibacterial solutions, providing useful informa- tion regarding novel therapies for dental caries, but further research in this domain is needed.

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